
PH: 807 467-3555


The ASK – Gambling Program is a relatively new community program that received initial funding in l998 for an adult counselor, and then additional funding on April 1, 2003 for a youth counselor. These two counselors provide service to youth and adults in Kenora and the surrounding area. Unlike our other addiction services, the gambling program is funded to provide education, awareness and prevention initiatives in addition to treatment. Other services include counseling to individuals, couples and families affected by gambling, community partnerships to network and provide services in a joint effort, and participation in research projects.  Hours of service are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with some evening work when required.  The Gambling Program promotes responsible gambling and proposes that gambling is a form of recreation that does involve some risk.  It is our role to inform people of the risks involved in gambling and to help people who are experiencing problems in their life related to gambling.